Strategies and Tips on Being More Productive Each Day

I have written books and articles on this topic. “TimePeace: Making peace with time” has several strategies.

But some of the top 3 tips would be:

1) Be clear on the TOP 3 Things you want to accomplish today. Everything else on your to-do lists are “nice to haves”. Focus on your MUST DO Top 3. Although it might be nice to accomplish more, you will abandon the other items to assure that your Top 3 items get done.
2) Take control over your calendar. Block out time to work, Block out time to interact, Block out time to network. If you actually schedule the time in your calendar to do these things, then you don’t have to worry about having the time to do these things. Have a place for everything and everything in it’s place.
3) Get into the habit of allocating and announcing time limits on everything. For instance, make better use of 5 minutes. For example, when you want to get someone’s opinion, or someone stops you in the hallway or you want to make an appointment with someone — tell them upfront “Hey there. I would love to talk about this – and I only have 5 minutes”. This trains people to start with the bottom line (eliminating chit-chat). Act as if you are talking to a lawyer how is charging you by the minute. When you are talking to a lawyer, you get straight down to business.

One last tip. Be transparent in your goals. If you state your goals upfront, people will immediately align and you will be more productive in accomplishing the common goals.